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Meet our Family

We are a family of four, myself (Kimberly), Michael, Ethan and Jett. Ethan was our frist child, born in 2007, followed by our youngest son Jett, who is now 14. We are proud Queenslanders and when we are aren't working, we love to be outdoors, camping, fishing, riding motorbikes, travelling, and watching sport. Two years ago, Michael, Jett, and I were by Ethan's side when he passed from Acute T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, he only lived for nine weeks from his diagnoses. Our family broke that day, and together we have slowly been picking up the pieces and finding a way to carry Ethan forward with us, he is never left behind. 


We are very fortunate to have loving support around us, it has helped us put one foot in front of the other as we keep navigating life without our Ethan. It was gratitude for this support that gave me the idea for Kids Connecting Parents. When I returned to part-time work as a psychologist, I knew I wanted to find a way to help other parents who were feeling a loss so deep and unimaginable that only another grieving parent could understand.


After Ethan passed, I joined some Facebook pages for child loss and was saddened to see that many parents had experienced not only the loss of their child or children, but also their friends and family who were unable to support them through their grief. It is understandable that some people who were once a great source of comfort and love are unable to fathom the depths of child loss, and for some, those feelings are too distressing or uncomfortable and they distance or remove themselves from our lives.


What the Facebook pages did offer, was the opportunity for us grieving parents to share our feelings, beliefs and ideas in a safe and comforting space with other parents who were walking the same road. When I felt brave enough to make a post, to share Ethan's story and my own heartache, I knew that I would be understood and supported. The KCP App will take this opportunity for loving connections a step further and help us find other grieving parents in our local area. I hope you join us at KCP, together we can help and support each other, through our ups and downs, tears and laughter, holding each other up when we need it most.

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