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Please check below to see if your question is answered. If not, please reach out to us at

How will the App help me

The KCP App will help you to connect easily and quickly with other parents and carers in your local area who are walking this road with you. It can be used at home or away from home, it searches from wherever you are.

Human connection between supportive and caring people can create a sense of belonging and closeness. This can have many mental and physical benefits including lowering anxiety and depression, improving mood, and strengthening our immune system.


Spending time with supportive people can help you to express emotions (laughing, crying, venting), which helps to reduce stress and release dopamine and endorphins — our “feel good” neurotransmitters responsible for happiness and mood.

If you're not quite ready to connect yet, just knowing that there are others near you can help you feel less alone or isolated. 

Using a Smartphone

How much will the KCP App cost

As a parent who has experienced child loss, I know how hard it can be to return to work, and some of us never do.  I wanted to make the App as affordable as possible while ensuring that it is financially self-sustainable with upgrades, premium security and web hosting fees. We are aiming to keep costs to a minimum and envisage the subscription fee will be approximately $1.00 AUS per month. This may change over time depending on the ongoing costs of running and maintaining the KCP App. The first month will be free, so you will have plenty of time to see if you like it. 

What if I change my mind about connecting with others

If you want to keep using the App but feel like you need to take a break from connecting, please find the "Take a Break" button in the App Settings. Once you select this, you will no longer appear in any new searches. You will still receive messages from any contacts you are already connected to, including individuals and groups. Your profile picture will change to a grey coloured border, which will indicate that you are "taking a break". 


Is it easy to stop my App membership

Yes, it is super easy. If at any time you wish to stop connecting, please use the Unsubscribe button within the App Settings.

What's in a Name?

This may not be a FAQ, but for those of you who are curious about the name Kids Connecting Parents, I wanted to share the meaning behind it. It's twofold:

Without out beautiful children, it's unlikely we would be connecting with each other. It has been through the loss of our child or children that we are reaching out to connect, via groups, Facebook, or the KCP App. Personally, I'm grateful for the connections I've made, but I also know the feeling of wishing it was under different circumstances that we were meeting. 

The second meaning behind KCP may not sit comfortably with all of you, but it's been a big part of my healing journey so far and I wanted to share it.  I believe our beautiful kids will get behind us and help us use this new avenue for local personal connections. It will give our "kids" an opportunity to "connect parents". Feel into their nudges and be guided by their love. xx  

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