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Meet the Team

Meet the Team responsible for helping KCP to move from conception to build.

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Kids Connecting Parents

Connecting Parents - One Search at a Time

Founder and Director of KCP

Hi, I'm Kimberly Stevens and a proud mum of two boys, Ethan and Jett. I am also a registered psychologist in Australia and bring 25 years of experience, supporting mental health across remote and regional Australia, and London (UK), with children, families, and communities. My passion is to help individuals and families uncover and embrace their strengths, and to see them flourish through connection to self and others. My family time is spent camping, fishing, and travelling.


Motion Curve

Visit here again soon to read more about how Motion Curve is supporting the Kids Connection Parents App...

Our Team.

Please meet the Kids Connecting Parents team below. Some of these legends have helped shape KCP from the very beginning. The other superstars are helping to make the KCP App a reality by partnering with KCP to build, test, launch and promote the KCP App, we are very lucky to have them on board. 

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